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Whether you’re struggling with everyday life, dealing with painful loss, or encountering more severe mental health issues, therapy can provide you with genuine support and reflection. Seeking out therapy can be a challenging process, but the act itself demonstrates your desire to access support in a meaningful way. The pace and goals of therapy are determined by the client, and the confidential nature of therapy allows many people to feel comfortable sharing deep-rooted concerns or anxieties.  

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Addiction

- Identity and Self-Esteem Issues

- Anger

- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

- Lack of Motivation

- Relational skills

Often times, the most important factor in determining a positive outcome from therapy is the relationship that forms between the client and the therapist. For this reason, my primary concerns at the beginning of a new therapeutic relationship are connection and understanding. Once this is established, I am able to support and challenge a client, allowing them to maximize growth and change in their desired direction.  



​© 2019 by Foundation Counseling.

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